Latests statistics indicates that the almost 64.6% out of 96 800 residential buildings in Germany completed with heat pumps in 2023. The share of heat pumps have been rose by 8% compared to 2022 and has doubled since 2014. Heat pumps were used in 68.9% of all single- and two-family houses completed in 2023, but were much less common in multi-family (41.1%).
Over 400 000 heat pumps were manufactured only in Germany in 2023. This dynamic shows great amount of potential for heat pump industry in world. The trend is stands for uprising the tendency due to riase up 14% compare to 2023(350 900 per year units).
Besides, EU tendency demosntrates that renewable sourcesenregy systems are going to be raised up to 69% till 2030 year. The nost popular HVAC solution compatable with renewable energy sources systems is heat pumps. So it's expecting due to analysis the rise of heating pump units, in particular, heating pump air-to water and heating pumps air-to-air.