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COOPER&HUNTER has presented new models in Italy

This so much waited by 4 years event, prevented by the Pandemic and the War in our beloved Ukraine, and finally happened. Cooper&Hunter did not left his way and sent powerful message to all world. All new equipment has been presented at the stand of 150 m2 in Milan, at Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2022 exhibition.

International partners from Poland, Baltic States, Italy, and Ukraine have been worked with visitors, shared their experience with the guests, achieved new contacts, and presented latest equipment.

This exhibition in Italy showed that Cooper&Hunter brand recognized not only in Europe, but well-known all over the world.

The most frequent request of this exhibition was heat pumps, and Cooper&Hunter has prepared well: has been shown a full assortment for domestic, commercial and industrial consumers, in total more than 50 pieces of equipment.

Cooper&Hunter challnged an ambitious task: to introduce an original business model and standards of cooperation with clients throughout Europe on a permanent basis.

We strive to reproduce the best achievements of Cooper&Hunter and become number 1 in Europe, just as it happened in Ukraine.

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