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North America agreement Montreal protocol obligations

Since the Kigal amendment to the Montreal Protocol starting Janiary 1, 2025 refrigerants GWP limits defined in federal reglations of both Canada and USA fro various applications will severely limit the availability of many equipment and systems usin higher GWP refrigerants. Due to HVAC ssytems actively using products with R-134a and R-410a, new equipment with these gases are prohbited to use in North America.

Meanwhile already equipped HVAC-systems within mentioned refrigerants: R-134a and R-410a, can be in service until 2036 year.

Sine the beginning of 2024 new products have been announces every month to replace the dissapearing product lines. The newly introduced products are only has eco-friendly refrigerants such as R-32 and R290.

Cooper&Hunter many years aga havve been prepared to facing the reality of  denial high GWP-consisted HVAC ssystem so Cooper&Hunter had been reequipped its HVAC systems to GWP-neutral and cloes to neutral refrigerants in particular using R-32 and R290 alone.

Cooper&Hunter not only manufacturing the best HVAC products on the market but also providing envinronment friendly equipment only based on latest low-GWP refrigerants. Whole product line starting from mini-split up to large Heat pumps are equipped on eco-friendly R-32 and R290 refrigerants.

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